Extracting data from GitHub search API

The Search API is an XQuery library that combines searching, search parsing, search grammar, faceting, snippeting, search term completion, and other search application features into a single API. You can interact with the Search API through XQuery, REST, Node.

Published on March 20, 2021

GitHub repository social media

4 min READ

    I’m assuming you are familiar with some R-programming. If not please go through some Getting Started With R

    Let’s load some required packages


GitHub Search API

    The GithHub’s Search API helps you search for the specific item you want to find. Just like searching on Google, you sometimes want to see a few pages of search results so that you can find the item that best meets your needs. To satisfy that need, the GitHub Search API provides up to 1,000 results for each search.

    The Search API has a custom rate limit.
        - For requests using Basic Authentication, OAuth, or client ID and secret, you can make up to 30 requests per minute.
        - For unauthenticated requests, the rate limit allows you to make up to 10 requests per minute.

In the next few minutes we are going to retrieve trending repositories which were created over the last years i.e.2020 data

The definition of trending repositories in our case will be only those repositories which have at least 500 stars or more.

Utility Functions

    Let’s define some fucntions that are useful to retrieve the data.

DataFramefromCall <- function(x) {
    x <- URLencode(x)
    data <- jsonlite::fromJSON(x)
    items <- data$items
    req_names <- c("id", "name", "full_name", "size", "open_issues",
                   'fork', 'stargazers_count', 'watchers', 'forks',
                   "language", "has_issues", "has_downloads", "has_wiki",
                   "has_page", "created_at", "updated_at", "pushed_at", 
                   "url", "description")
    mynames <- c()
    for (name in req_names){
        if (name %in% colnames(items)){
            mynames <- c(mynames, name)
    items <- items[,mynames]

get.trending.repositories <- function(timeline.dates, auth.id, auth.pwd){
    # set parameters
    base_url <- "https://api.github.com/search/repositories?"
    api_id_param <- paste0("client_id=", auth.id)
    api_pwd_param <- paste0("client_secret=", auth.pwd)
    arg_sep = '&'
    per_page <- 100
    top.repos.df <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(timeline.dates), style = 3)
    # for each pair of dates in list get all trending repos
    for (i in seq(1, length(timeline.dates), by = 2)){ 
        start_date <- timeline.dates[i]
        end_date <- timeline.dates[i+1]
        query <- paste0("q=created:%22", start_date, "%20..%20", end_date, 
        url <- paste0(base_url, query, arg_sep, api_id_param, arg_sep, api_pwd_param)
        firstCall <- GET(paste(url)) %>% content()
        total_repos <- min(firstCall$total_count, 1000)
        number_calls <- ceiling(total_repos/per_page)
        query2 <- "&per_page=100&page="
        api_calls <- paste(url, query2, as.character(c(1:number_calls)), sep = "")
        for (i in 1:number_calls) {
            top.repos.df <- rbind(top.repos.df, DataFramefromCall(api_calls[i]))
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, i+1)
    print("---- FINISHED ---")

loop_to_get_repo_data <- function(){
    i <- 0
    v <- 1
    for (date in dates){
        if(i%%2 == 0){
            req_dates <- c(date, dates[v+1])
            tmp_repos <- get.trending.repositories(timeline.dates = req_dates,
                                                   auth.id = auth.id, auth.pwd = auth.pwd)
            tmp <- dim(tmp_repos)

            print(paste("Temporarily downloaded", paste(tmp[1], "x", tmp[2])))

            trending_repos <- rbind(trending_repos, tmp_repos)
            tmp <- dim(trending_repos)

            print(paste("Final data dimensions", paste(tmp[1], "x", tmp[2])))
        i = i + 1
        v = v + 1


    To keep the auth variables secret you can use the R console as below

    Now we can load these vars into r script and also the dates required in chunks as a list(to overcome the rate limit).


dates <- c('2020-01-01', '2020-03-31',
           '2020-04-01', '2020-06-30',
           '2020-07-01', '2020-09-30',
           '2020-10-01', '2020-12-31')

trending_repos <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = F)

trending_repos <- loop_to_get_repo_data()

##   |                                               |                                            |   0%[1] "---- FINISHED ---"
## [1] "Temporarily downloaded 761 x 18"
## [1] "Final data dimensions 761 x 18"
##   |                                               |                                            |   0%[1] "---- FINISHED ---"
## [1] "Temporarily downloaded 714 x 18"
## [1] "Final data dimensions 1475 x 18"
##   |                                               |                                            |   0%[1] "---- FINISHED ---"
## [1] "Temporarily downloaded 507 x 18"
## [1] "Final data dimensions 1982 x 18"        
##   |                                               |                                            |   0%[1] "---- FINISHED ---"
## [1] "Temporarily downloaded 306 x 18"
## [1] "Final data dimensions 2288 x 18"


## [1] "list"

    As we can see the recieved data is in the form of a list. So let’s convert it to a data frame.

trending_repos_df <- data.frame(trending_repos)
trending_repos_df <- as_tibble(trending_repos_df)

## # A tibble: 2,288 x 18
##        id name  full_name   size open_issues fork  stargazers_count watchers
##     <int> <chr> <chr>      <int>       <int> <lgl>            <int>    <int>
##  1 2.42e8 fuck~ labulado~ 109612          33 FALSE            86633    86633
##  2 2.38e8 COVI~ CSSEGISa~ 988047        1673 FALSE            25938    25938
##  3 2.31e8 exca~ excalidr~  24629         302 FALSE            18945    18945
##  4 2.42e8 tools rome/too~  92295          98 FALSE            14919    14919
##  5 2.51e8 CnC_~ electron~   7916          80 FALSE            14823    14823
##  6 2.46e8 Vent~ ventoy/V~ 154039         313 FALSE            14426    14426
##  7 2.38e8 diag~ mingramm~  26595         181 FALSE            13111    13111
##  8 2.34e8 fiber gofiber/~  25790          18 FALSE            12433    12433
##  9 2.44e8 fast~ fastai/f~  76662          54 FALSE            12022    12022
## 10 2.43e8 hero~ tailwind~   1043         158 FALSE            11644    11644
## # ... with 2,278 more rows, and 10 more variables: forks <int>, language <chr>,
## #   has_issues <lgl>, has_downloads <lgl>, has_wiki <lgl>, created_at <chr>,
## #   updated_at <chr>, pushed_at <chr>, url <chr>, description <chr>